Just watched ‘The Diving Bell and the Butterfly” and wondering whether it was a good idea. The scene in Lourdes sticks to my mind when Celine buys The Madonna. Or when Jean Do feels his memories are fading away. Or when he remembers shaving his father.

Pádraig seems to start living his life. He is engaging more. He seems to take in more. The less drama there is, the more things are becoming routine. I went to see an OT clinic today to see would they do house visits. It seems they do. They promised to call me soon to arrange for trial sessions.

I chatted to them and found out that for the price of 5 hours of OT per week over 48 weeks in Ireland, you’d be able to hire a full time OT in Germany. Made me think.

images1At times I feel such a deep loneliness because the feelings are so intense that you can’t really share them – almost as if I was locked in. Unfortunately, I’ve never been a person to focus on what has to be done, that would make thinks so much easier. More the candle, incense, music, soft light – person. Useless, really, and inadequate in most difficult situations.

2So, I’ll be going to bed hoping that tomorrow will be a better day.

With no fear of inadequacy.

Full of energy.
